Name Evolver Type A
Created At 2020-11-02 1:25pm
Submitted By Menno0
Type blue.orchestra.BlueSynthBuilder


The Evolver instruments are created because i was looking for string/pad sounds and textures that could evolve in time, with (small or radical) variations in timbre.
The instruments are of a modular design, built with ftmorf as a basis module; so you can stream fluidly from one timbre to another within a single note.
Other standard modules in these instruments are: Phaser, Swell, Output.

The Evolver Type A uses the adsynt opcode. The A in the name represents 'adsynt'.

scheme: FTMORF ---------ADSYNT --------(FILTER)--------(PHASER)--------(SWELL)------OUTPUT

note example:
i2 0 0.8 60 1.0 ; P4 = midi value, P5 = amplitude
i2 0 0.2 261.625565 1.0 ; P4 = frequency, P5 = amplitude


see the help balloon when hovering over the controllers in the instrument. Help can be turned off by pressing the 'I' button next to the play bar.


version 2.2, November 2020
- added filter
- added ADSR graphic envelope
- added P4 frequency/Midi pitch option

version 2.1, November 2019
- added 3 ADSRs

version 2.0, octobre 2019
- new GUI (more compact)
- renaming BSBs
- # of voices and Harmonic Ratio can be changed in between Objects

version 1, december 2017
- choose from a list of timbre presets
- evolve from one timbre to another up to 16 sounds, forwards or backwards
- scale fuction to scale wavesequencer sounds over the note
- determine where to start the scaling in the note
- morphing can also be done manually by drawing an Automation Line (wavedraw)
- mono or stereo with setting different seed values with XY controller for Left and Right channel
- special effects section (copied and adapted from the Csound manual (adsynt example))
- phaser effect implemented with on/off switch and mixing, lots of options to slowly evolve the timbre even more
- Swell for amplitude to give an amp accent in the note