Name Evolver Type O
Created At 2017-12-10 2:26pm
Submitted By Menno0
Type blue.orchestra.BlueSynthBuilder

The Evolver instruments are created because i was looking for string/pad sounds and textures that could evolve in time, with (small or radical) variations in timbre. The instruments are of a modular design, built with ftmorf as a basis module; so you can stream fluidly from one timbre to another within a single note.
Other standard modules in these instruments are: Phaser, Swell, Output.

The Evolver Type O uses the oscbnk opcode. The O in the name represents 'oscilbnk'.


FTMORF ---------OSCBNK--------(PHASER)--------(SWELL)-------OUTS
I l
l (LFOs for phasing)

version 1, december 2017
- choose from a list of timbre presets
- evolve from one timbre to another up to 16 sounds, forwards or backwards
- scale fuction to scale wavesequencer sounds over the note
- determine where to start the scaling in the note
- morphing can also be done manually by drawing an Automation Line (wavedraw)
- all options for oscbnk are exploited (modulations, eq settings...)
- mono or stereo with setting different seed values with XY controller for Left and Right channel
- phaser effect implemented with on/off switch and mixing, lots of options to slowly evolve the timbre even more
- Swell for amplitude to give an amp accent in the note